Digital Service

Google Advertising

Reach the most potential customer.

Quality assurance

One of the most trusted platform

Save up to 30% on the advertisement budget

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50+ Happy clients

Why should you choose Our solution

Reach your audience with precision

Professional marketing service

Creative content with user insights

Professional team with strong expertise

Apply state-of-the-art innovations and technologies

24/7 support service

Modern and simple working process

Commit 100% to customer satisfaction

We have different package tailor-made for you


For small startup trial

  • Strategic consulting
  • Keywords planning (1-50 keywords)
  • Ad text creation
  • Set up tracking Google Analytics
  • Implementation Adwords
  • Implementation Re-marketing
  • Monthly report
  • Real-time report & update
  • Dedicated headcount (2)



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Essential for growing business

  • Strategic consulting
  • Keywords planning (Unlimited)
  • Landingpage optimization (1 page)
  • Ad text creation
  • Basic adapted banner design (1 set)
  • Set up tracking Google Analytics
  • Implementation Adwords
  • Implementation GDN (Google Displays Network)
  • Implementation Gmail, Discovery, Google Shopping…
  • Implementation Re-marketing
  • Implementation Conversion Tracking
  • Monthly report
  • Real-time report & update
  • Dedicated headcount (2)
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The recommended package for successful business

  • Strategic consulting
  • Keywords planning (Unlimited)
  • Landingpage optimization (3 pages)
  • Ad text creation Basic adapted banner design (3 sets)
  • Video design (1 video)
  • Set up tracking Google Analytics
  • Implementation Adwords Implementation GDN (Google Displays Network) Implementation Gmail, Discovery, Google Shopping…
  • Implementation Re-marketing
  • Implementation Conversion Tracking
  • Monthly report
  • Real-time report & update
  • Dedicated headcount (4)


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Google Ads Package Comparison

Ads ranking 1-4 1-4 1-4
Running hours 24/7 24/7 24/7
Number of keywords 1-50 Unlimited Unlimited
Number of ad groups 3 ad groups 3 ad groups 3 ad groups
Number of campaigns Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Ad text creation Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Banner Design (set)   1 2
Video Design (video)     1
Ads extension Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Negative keywords Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Optimize keywords Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Landing page optimization Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Website optimization Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Dedicated headcount 2 2 4
Invalid click filter Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Set up tracking Google Analytics Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Conversion tracking   Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Implementation Adwords Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Implementation GDN (Google Displays Network)   Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Implementation Gmail, Discovery, Google Shopping… Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Implementation Re-marketing Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Implementation Smart Bidding     Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Set up funnel tracking     Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Competitive analyze Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Monthly report Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Real-time report & update   Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding
Payment 100% deposit 80% deposit 60% deposit
Contract duration By campaign 6-12 months 6-12 months
Cost control Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding Quảng cáo Google Ads - ảnh từ SaoKim Branding


– Working days is not include Saturday, Sunday, and delayed due to slow response from client



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Working process for Google Ads

At Tekinno, we applied professional working procedures to ensure your success



Study & Research

Based on your request, Tekinno will study your brands, your products, your customers insight, competitor and map everything together.



Strategic direction

After study & research, we come up with the one and only effective strategy for you to start with Tiktok Ads, with proper format, KPIs and budget.




Tekinno process initial preparation: advertising material, image or video, optimize a landing page, tracking setup, align on workflow…



Feedback and revision

Sending all material to clients for feedback and revision



Campaign implementation

Set up advertisement and implementation of all channels. Set up tracking and measurement framework.



Monitor & Optimize

Keep monitoring campaign for best performance. Deploy optimization process to reach KPIs.




Report campaign (during campaign and end-of-campaign report) and process campaign liquidation.

Frequently asked questions

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a solution that you can use to promote your business, help sell products or services, raise awareness, and increase traffic to your website.

Google Ads accounts are managed online, so you can create and change your ad campaign at any time, including your ad text, settings, and budget.

What are the types of Google Ads
How many types of Google ads are there?
  • Search  – Text ads on Google search results
  • Display – Image ads on websites or on Gmail
  • Video – Video ads on YouTube
  • Shopping – Product listings on Google
  • App – Your app promotion on many channels
  • Smart – Simplified automated ads on Google and across the web
  • Local – Drive customers to a physical location
  • Discovery  – Runs ads across Google’s feeds when they’re open
The most important and common campaigns are: search, display, shopping, video, and app. We recommend starting with them, and, later, if you see the need, you can also try adding more campaigns, such as discovery ads.
What is the buying model of Google Ads
Google ads work like an auction. If you want to advertise on Google, you need to select a maximum amount of money (your bid) that you’re willing to pay for a specific action on your ad. Naturally, higher bids get better ad placements.
  • CPC (cost-per-click) – The amount you pay for a click on your ad.
  • CPM (cost per mille) – The amount you pay for 1,000 impressions of your ad (times your ad is shown to people).
  • CTR (click-through-rate) – The ratio indicate if your advertisement is attractive to your audience or not
How Google charge me?

Google AdWords is a “pay-per-click” advertising program, which only charges you when somebody visits your website as a result of a Google search.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? You only pay when an interested customer clicks your ad and visits your website! And when done properly, pay-per-click (PPC) ads really drive high-quality traffic at very reasonable and much more competitive prices than other forms of advertising.

How can I optimize Google Ads?
These cost factors give you just a taste of how complicated Google AdWords management can become. There’s a reason companies hire professionals to manage their online ad campaigns… and those that do see the best results.
The good news is that if you hire Tekinno team of AdWords experts, you won’t have to worry about wasting precious time and money due to errors and misunderstandings about Google Adwords. 
Our Adwords consulting process will take care of all the details. We’ll save you stress (not to mention money) and get you the big results you’re expecting.
What is GDN campaign?
Google Display Network (GDN) is a group of more than 2 million websites, videos, and apps where your Google Ads can appear.
While Search ads show up to potential customers the moment that they start looking on Google for what you offer, Display ads show up while people are visiting sites across the Google Display Network.
When running Display ads, you might not reach those who are actively searching for what you offer. That said, you’re still introducing your business to a specific target audience who is likely to be interested in your products or services. This may help you to reach a larger or completely new audience than simply through search.
What is re-marketing campaign?
Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a very common and popular form of digital marketing in which marketers serve ads to users who have visited their website, or a specific web page, and who have or have not taken a specific action. It’s an effective way to target people who have already shown some interest in your business or brand.
Because you are targeting past visitors or existing customers, it’s called “re”-marketing. Think of it as a second chance to convert, up-sell, or retain customers with online ads or campaigns. 
Why Google Ads is the best advertising platform?
Google Ads allows you to take advantage of the benefits of online advertising: show your ads to the right people, in the right place, and at the right time. Google Ads offers several benefits, but here are the key ones:
  • Target your ads
  • Control your costs
  • Measure your success
  • Manage your campaigns

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